Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

jawaban mid semester profesi dan etika keguruan malisa 7b TBI

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1. What is Profession?
@ I think profession it's something that jobs held by a person fit the capabilities of the person. profession that had to be served by a professional in order to get maximum results
@ "Professional" has a meaning that refers to the person who bears the title of a profession and designation of the person's appearance in the realization of performance in accordance with less professional. Penyandangan and look "professional" has gained recognition, both formal and informal soon. Formal recognition given by an agency or institution that has the authority for it, namely the government and or professional organizations. Being an informal recognition was given by the public and users of services of a professional. For instance, the term "professional teacher" is a teacher who has been formally recognized by the regulations, both in terms of position or background of formal education. This recognition is expressed in terms of the decree, diploma, certificate, certificates, etc., both concerning the qualifications or competence. The term "professional teacher" can also refer to the recognition of the competence of a teacher's performance performance in carrying out his duties as a teacher. Thus, the term "professional'' is based on the formal recognition of qualifications and competences appearance or performance of a particular job position. Under the bill Master (Article 1, paragraph 4) states that: "professional is the ability to perform work pursuant to the skill and devotion to others".
@ "Professionalism" is a term that refers to the mental attitude of the commitment of the members of a profession to continue to realize and enhance the professional quality. A teacher who has a high level of professionalism reflected in the mental attitude and commitment to the realization and quality improvement professionals through various means and strategies. He will always develop themselves according to the demands of the times so that its presence always gives meaning proesional.
@ "Professionalism" is a performance-designation of the quality of the attitude of the members of a profession to profession and degree of knowledge and expertise they have to be able to perform his duties. Thus, more professional designations describe a "state" degree of professionalism someone views of attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to perform their duties.
@ "Professionalization" is a performance-process leading to the realization and improvement in achieving a profession in accordance with the criteria established standards.
@ Profession is something related to a person's job is done on a continuous basis, is recognized by others and beneficial to others. In exercising a profession should undertake professional attitude is an attitude that carried out in accordance with the code of ethics that applies to every profession. Be professionalism in work is important and should not be mixing mortar affair with each other because it would interfere with the actual duties of working in accordance with their respective jobs. Professionalism really must be instilled in for at the really blend with the attitude of doing things any work in accordance with the profession, the profession will be running it with all your heart without expecting anything in return excess of the others.
2. There are several functions of teacher in teaching and learning process. Please explain them!
ÿ Teacher as a role model
@ teacher is a model or example for the students and all those who think of him as a teacher. There is a tendency to assume that this role is not easy to challenge, let alone rejected. For example, a private course and what teachers will be under the spotlight of learners and people around the neighborhood who consider or recognize as teachers. There are several things that must be considered by teachers: basic stance, Talk and speaking style, work habits, attitudes through experience and mistakes, Apparel, human relations, thought process, neurotic behavior, appetite, Decisions, Health, Lifestyle in general
Teacher behavior greatly affects the students, but the students must have the courage to develop their own personal lifestyle.
Good teachers are aware of the gap between what is desirable with what is in him, and then realized the mistake when it was in the wrong. Errors must be followed by an attitude feel and try not to repeat it.
@ Role models are people who get good examples by the words they speak and by the actions they take. Students tend to copy the behavior and mannerism of the teachers. The entire personality is a reflection on the minds of the students. If the teacher is honest, leads a balance and disciplined life, the children adopt these virtues as a ideal conduct unconsciously. The ideal teachers one who through his thoughts, words and deeds, gives and an impression of an honest upright lift which can serve as a model for the students to copy, follow and emulate.
ÿ Teacher as Provider information
@ The teacher lectures the students on a particular subject, through lessons that build on students’ prior knowledge and moves them toward a deeper understanding of the subject at hand.
@ Teacher accountability
@ Teachers, being the educational or human engineers are accountable for the progress of the children they teach. Teacher accountability is very important inteaching and learning process, the accountability of the teachers should be evaluated at frequent intervals. The teachers are accountable in respect of teaching, research, co-curricular activities, use of aids and equipments in the classroom, utilization of local resources for the benefit of the students and development of students moral and ethical values.

ÿ Teacher professional efficiency
@ The teacher must possess a strong sense of vocation and true devotion towards teaching. For he/she professional psychology, educational philosophy, aims,contents, method and materials of instruction, skill and interest in teaching.
ÿ Teacher as assessor
@ A teacher cannot just teach a lesson and than move on. Teachers must assess each student’s growth and mastery of the lesson objectives. This assessment can happen informally through classroom observation or through formal methods like quizze and tests. Expert teachers are able to recognize patterns in the test results of their students and then plan their lessons to meet their students’ needs.
ÿ Teacher as planner
@ Teacher must be expert planners, both on paper and in their head. Teacher never know may what happen that will detail teachers current lesson plan, so teacher need to have backup plans available to pull at the moment’s notice. Most of the time, the planning involves taking the assessment data from teachers previous lessons and using it to develop teacher plans for the next unit.
ÿ Teacher as developer
@ The more you get to know your students, the more you realize that the worksheets that come with your assigned textbook just aren’t going to be enough. You will become a developer of resources, making worksheets designing assignments, creating PowerPoint presentations to go along with your lessons. You’ll stop at nothing to make sure your students are all taught in the way that suits them best.
ÿ Teacher as surrogate parent
@ As a teacher, you may find certain students who lean on you for support and come to your for advice or to share their good news. Positive adult contact is crucial to raising well-balanced children, and teachers are often given the charge of being surrogate parents for their students.
3. We know that as a teacher should be professional. When can the teacher be called professional? Write your detail explanation!
ÿ A professional teaching qualification does not make you a professional, in the true sense of the word. Belonging to a particular profession does not automatically guarantee that the service you provide, is a professional one. You must be:
@ if the teacher mastering the instructional materials,
@ if the teacher mastering the foundations of education,
@ if the teacher ability to manage the teaching and learning program,
@ if the teacher being able to manage the class
@ if the teacher being able to use the media / other learning resources,
@ if the teacher ability to manage the teaching and learning interaction,
@ if the teacher being able to assess the performance of learners for the purpose of teaching,know the functions and programs pelayana guidance and counseling, know the school administration, understand the principles and interpret the results of educational research for teaching purposes, and
@ if the teacher having a high personality.
@ Inspire the trust your clients, the students and parents. Create a good first
@ impression from day one of the academic year.
@  Always be on time for work. A professional teacher understands the need to start the day well, every day. Truly professional teachers will make sure that they arrive at least ten minutes before the first bell rings, so as to prepare themselves mentally the day ahead.
@ Be prepared. Check your diary the night before and plan the day ahead. Professional and assessment schedule, to ensure that not only syllabus content is covered, but also necessary skills for their students’ longer-term success in their specific subject or learning area.
@ Follow procedures and the protocol expected at your school. Professional embrace the corporate identity and values and model these for the clients – in this case, the children they teach.Take charge of your classroom. Manage your students’ behavior. A professional teacher will not keep running to school management for assistance with classrooM discipline, for example.
@ Take pride in the process the product. Make sure your notes and handouts are professionally presented. Professional teachers should never have to be asked to re-do a piece of work because its presentation is shoddy.
@ Never miss deadline. Professionals keep their work up to date and plan ahead. Amateurs leave work until the last minute.
@  Keep up to date with your marking and grading of students’ tasks. A three day rule of thumb should apply. If you take too long to hand back class tests and so on, the students will have lost interest in the task and their results by the time you return their work.
@ Treat your colleagues and supervisors with respect. Model respect for authority for your students and gaining their respect will be much easier for you.
@  Be passionate, positive, and enthusiastic about your work. A professional teacher will not create negativity in a staff room or engage in mindless gossip and the spreading of dissent.
@ Embrace change. A professional teacher will not be doomsayer and throw cold water on new ideas or suggestions for positive change. A professional will not vocalise negative thoughts like “That will never work at this school.”
@ Take an interest in every child. The better you get to know your students, the more influence you will have on their attitude towards your subject, and on their live in general. Remember the adage: “Teachers touch eternity, they never know where their influence may end.”
@ Maintain confidentiality. A professional teacher will use students personal information to assist in helping a child to reach his or her potential. Confidential information will not be disclosed over tea during recess, or used as a weapon against a student. Confidential information such as the content of staff meetings too will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
@ Support your colleagues and school management. Walk to walk. Put the needs of the institution above your own. Remember you are one person in a group of professionals who share a common goal and vision.
@ Take responsibility for your students results. As a professional teacher, the grades your students achieve are a reflection on you. Bear this in mind, in all you do.
@ Keep your students attention. Teach your students why the knowledge you convey is important and how they can apply what they learn in their daily live. Then they are more likely to remember what you teach.

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