Senin, 13 Mei 2013
Kamis, 25 April 2013
Jumat, 18 Januari 2013
paper language english malisa about Teaching Profession and Ethics
BY :
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Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Alhamdullillah, all worships and praise for Allah SWT,
already flood Faith and Islam relish. Shalawat and greeting hopefully
everlastingly most outpouring to Prophet adoration Outgrows SAW Muhammad, whole
family, and best friends it, and to all its people that everlastingly hangs on
to coattail and its stage.
Therefore “Teaching Profession and Ethics” manner gets I solve with every consideration.
my expectation, hopefully this paper gets to give as big as benefit it to
readers and we all are amin ya robbil Alamin.
And I realise also that each we must there is gloss over and error in
inscriptive it I apologize as big as it.
There are several terms that must be
explained first point before we continue our discussion of this paper
headlines. The first one is a teacher. That is a job as a teacher. So he was
one of the work (profesion) as well as the work of others in the community such
as accountants, doctors, counseling, kejuruteraan, commerce, and so forth. As a
working teacher, he is subject to various conditions imposed on the work of
others such as the code of ethics, and so on. Codes of ethics are the rules
agreed upon by the experts who practice certain work such as accountants,
doctors, counseling and so on. Third, the values that accompany every job is
like giving perkhidmatan the best possible services to our customers and so on.
These are all values. Fourth practice, did all the work concerned with deeds.
For every job holder is called pengamal (practitioner) in a particular field
such as accountants, doctors, counseling and others. But before it came to
practice, work values must be internalized (intemalized) first, and that
brings us to the last aspect of the paper, that appreciation. Fifth
appreciation, the appreciation of the values. If sciences such as mathematics,
medicine and others studied, the values such as sincerity, honesty,
dedication and others that lived. If you want more dipertegaskan this paper is
actually expected to answer the question of how to guide the Islamic education
teachers in order to live the values contained in the teacher's ethics.
1. Teach
Teaching science is delivering
edicts, giving galakan, guide, provide and enhance skills, increase confidence,
cultivate values of pure and noble to students who do not know. He was not
just deliver edicts or instructional materials in a classroom. mendukacitakan
better if the teaching is considered merely convey intimation and spend a
predetermined manner of measure subjects in the curriculum. The process of
teaching has a very broad concept, it aims to make an individual was more
responsible and capable menjana his thoughts to keep happy and triumphant
tackle cabaran be faced.
2. Teacher
Teach is the result of a combination of two syllables namely 'Gur' and 'Ru'. In
the Java language, Gu taken gugu meaningful than words when Ru is believed to
be taken rather than intending to imitate words may be imitated or modeled. By
then, the teacher shall mean a person who imitated his words, his actions, his
behavior, his clothes, deeds and believed to be intended keamanahan are
accountable to him to do with truth.
Teach is a designation for the position, position, and profession for someone who
devotes himself to the field of education through educational interactions are
patterned, formal and systematic. In Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and
Lecturers (Article 1) states that: "The teacher is a professional
education with the primary task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
training, assessing and evaluating students in formal education, basic
education and secondary education.
3. Role and Tasks of Teaching
Every teacher should know their
roles and duties in detail if they want to try to perform and produce a memorable
Among the duties of a teacher is to:
1. deliver science
2. convey intimation
3. convey
4. provide skills and
5. fosters the values of pure and
The role of the teacher is as a mentor, educator, reformer, example and
example, searchers and investigators, advisors and councilors, and pereka
creators, storytellers and performers, penggalak and stimulants, pengilham
ideals, administrators and designers, evaluators, observers, and his rakan
students, doctoral and pengubat, power amplifier, giving the authoritative
guidance and so on. Clearly shows that the being a teacher is one of the tasks
and role of the rather heavy. Actually, if you think it is heavy duty, so heavy
are his. If you accept it as a cabaran in a positive way, then it is easy.
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the purpose of the
teaching profession?
2. What is the purpose of teacher
professional development?
3. What are the role of the teacher
in the learning?
4. What is the purpose of the ethics
Teaching Profession and Ethics
A. Understanding the Teaching Profession
Teaching profession is an occupation
that in carrying out their duties require /demand skills (expertise), using
scientific techniques, as well as dedication. Expertise gained from educational
institutions dedicated to it with a curriculum that can be accounted for.
@ profession
opinion it's something that jobs held by a person fit the capabilities of the
@ profession
that had to be served by a professional in order to get maximum results
@ Professionalism
"is a term that refers to the mental attitude of the commitment of the
members of a profession to continue to Realize and enhance the professional
quality. A teacher who has a high level of professionalism reflected in the
mental attitude and commitment to the realization and quality improvement
professionals through various means and strategies. He will always develop
Themselves According to the demands of the times so that its presence always
gives meaning proesional.
@ Professionalism
"is a performance-designation of the quality of the attitude of the
members of a profession to profession and degree of knowledge and expertise
they have to be Able to perform his duties. Thus, more professional
designations describe a" state "degree of professionalism someone
views of attitudes, knowledge, and skills to perform their duties Necessary.
@ Professionalization
"is a performance-process leading to the realization and improvement in
Achieving a profession in accordance with the criteria established standards.
B. Terms Profession
@ Standard
@ special education institutions to produce
professional actors with quality standards.
@ Academic in
@ Professional
@ ethics and
code of professional conduct.
@ reward system.
@ Recognition
C. Terms Teaching Profession
@ Position
involving intellectual activity.
@ Position the
torso wrestle a special science.
@ Position
that requires professional preparation time (compared to the work that requires
a mere general practice).
@ Position in
a position that requires continuous training.
@ Position a
promising career and a life of permanent membership.
@ Position the
decisive standard (default) itself.
@ Position is
more concerned with service above personal gain.
@ Position who
have strong professional organization and tightly woven.
1. Teacher as a profession is a profession as any other profession or occupation refers to the occupation that demands skill, responsibility, and loyalty. A profession can not be done by anyone who is not trained or prepared for it. A profession is generally developed from work (vocational), which was developed more mature and supported by three things: skill, commitment, and skills, which form an equilateral triangle in the middle is professionalism. Similarly, implicitly, in Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System stated, that teachers are: professionals in charge of planning and implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes, coaching and training, and conduct research and dedication to communities, especially for educators at colleges (Article 39 paragraph 1). The weaknesses found in teaching profession in Indonesia, such as: (1) The low educational qualifications of teachers and education personnel, (2) education system and education that have not been integrated, (3) professional organization that fragile, and (4) reward and recognition systems are inadequate.
1. Teacher as a profession is a profession as any other profession or occupation refers to the occupation that demands skill, responsibility, and loyalty. A profession can not be done by anyone who is not trained or prepared for it. A profession is generally developed from work (vocational), which was developed more mature and supported by three things: skill, commitment, and skills, which form an equilateral triangle in the middle is professionalism. Similarly, implicitly, in Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System stated, that teachers are: professionals in charge of planning and implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes, coaching and training, and conduct research and dedication to communities, especially for educators at colleges (Article 39 paragraph 1). The weaknesses found in teaching profession in Indonesia, such as: (1) The low educational qualifications of teachers and education personnel, (2) education system and education that have not been integrated, (3) professional organization that fragile, and (4) reward and recognition systems are inadequate.
2. Teacher
Professional Development is a teacher in order penerapa activities and
development of science, technology, art and skills to improve the quality of
the learning process in order to produce something useful for education in
general and schools in particular scope.
3. Teacher
professional development goals are: to improve the quality of teachers so that
teachers are more professional in the execution of tasks in the field of
professional development activities include the following:
@ Undertake
writing / scientific works in the field of education.
@ Make
learning tools / props / guidance
@ Creating
@ Finding appropriate
technologies in education.
@ Following
curriculum development activities.
4. Role of Professional Teacher In
effect learning is teachers' activities in membelajarkan students, this means
that the learning process is to create or make students learning conditions.
Students in the learning conditions and were subjected to scrutiny through
indicators activities, namely the attention focused, enthusiastic, asked,
replied, commented, presentations, discussions, try, suspect, or find.
D. Role of Teachers in Learning
As Master instructor assigned to provide instruction in the school
@ As conselor
Teachers shall provide assistance to students to enable them to find their own
problems, to solve the problem yourself, know yourself, and adjust to the
@ As leader of
its teachers hold Superisi Study abroad students, conducting classroom
management practices, management held a Study abroad as well as possible, set a
demoktaris classroom discipline.
@ As scientist
teacher imparting knowledge to the students and the obligation to develop that
knowledge and continue to build on the knowledge he had.
As every teacher should have properties which enjoy by his students by parents and society.
As every teacher should have properties which enjoy by his students by parents and society.
@ As a private
@ As
comunicator Teachers as implementers connect schools and communities. role as a
@ As
modernization Teachers
@ As
contruktor Helping successful community builder plan.
E. Learning strategies in Planning
Teachers are required to plan learning strategies varied with prinsif
membelajarkan and empower students instead of teaching students.
F. Strategies in the implementation of Learning
F. Strategies in the implementation of Learning
An ideal teacher should be able to serve as:
@ Conservator
@ Innovators
@ transmitters
@ transformer
@ Organizer
G. Strategies for the evaluation of
Evaluation of student achievement is
one activity that is imperative for always teacher / instructor where each instruction should ultimately be able to
provide information to the institution or to the student, how and to what
extent the control and capabilities that have been achieved by students about
the content and skills of the eye teachings that have been given.
The basic principle that should be
considered in devising tests of learning outcomes:
@ Such tests
should be able to clearly measure learning outcomes
@ Measuring up
to the representative of the learning outcomes and learning materials.
@ Includes
various forms of matter that is really suitable for measuring the desired learning
outcomes consistent with the objectives.
In the design according to their usefulness to obtain the desired results.
In the design according to their usefulness to obtain the desired results.
@ Test which
aims to find the causes of difficulty as realible might so easily interpreted
@ In use to
improve the way students learn and the way teachers.
H. Teaching Ethics
According to (Keraf, 1998) Ethics
comes from the Greek, ethos (single) or ta Etha (plural) which means the
character, habits and customs. This understanding relates to good living
habits, both at the individual and a society that is passed on from one
generation to another. According to (Muslich, 1998) Ethics as moral philosophy
or science that touches on the critical approach in looking at and
understanding the values and moral norms that arise in people's lives.
In exercising the profession
teachers must obey and submit to the ethical norms and principles agreed upon
and accepted teachers in Indonesia as a guide and conduct in performing
profession as educators, community members and citizens.
Actually the code of ethics in the
workplace are the properties or characteristics of vocational, scientific and
Aqeedah to be possessed by a pengamal for success in its work. More striking
characteristic is again evident in the teacher work. From the point of view of
Islam, a Muslim is to be successful stints dipikulkan him by Allah SWT first
time in the Islamic community and beyond in the community.
I.Code of conduct of teachers consists of: dutiful
teacher guiding students to form a complete human development in accordance
with the philosophy of the state.
@ Teachers
have professional honesty in implementing the curriculum according to the needs
of individual students.
@ Communicating,
especially in obtaining information about children, but shy away from any form
of abuse.
@ Teachers
create an atmosphere of school life and maintain relationships with parents as
well as possible for the benefit of education.
Teachers maintain good relations with the wider public for educational purposes.
Teachers maintain good relations with the wider public for educational purposes.
@ Teachers
individually or together and trying to develop and improve the quality of the
@ Jointly
maintain, provide and improve the quality of the organization.
@ Teachers implement all provisions is a
criminal government policy in education.
A. Conclusion
Professorship is a professional
position, and as a professional position, the holder must meet certain
qualifications. Criteria professional position such that the job involves
intellectual activity, has a special torso science, requiring a long preparation
for the lap, the position requires continuous training, a career and a life of
permanent membership, define standard behavior, concerned with service, have a
professional organization , and has a code of ethics adhered to by its members.
Professorship has not been able to meet the maximum requirements, but its
development in the country shows the direction to the fulfillment of these
requirements. Efforts to this is dependent upon intentions, behavior and
commitment of the teachers themselves and the organizations associated with it,
as well, by government policy.
B. Criticism And Suggestions
Thus, this paper is composed
integrated in accordance with the limits that have been set, the authors say
Alhamdullillah, but did not escape from all of that, I also have in preparing
this paper and therefore lacks the writer needs to criticism and suggestions
from all parties where party will encourage writers to be more careful and
cautious in preparing a paper for the future and building that will enhance
motivation by late author would like to thank the authors said.
Raflis Kosasi, 1999, “Profesi Keguruan”, Cetakan ke I, Jakarta, Penerbit Rineka
Arikunto, 1980 “Pengelolaan Kelas dan Siswa”, Cetakan ke II, Jakarta : Penerbit
Arikunto, 1993, “Manajemen Pengajaran Secara Manusiawi”, Cetakan ke II, Jakarta
: Penerbit Rineka Cipta.
Bahri Djamarah dan Aswan Zain, 1997, “Strategi Belajar Mengajar”, Cetakan ke I,
Jakarta : Penerbit Rineka Cipta.
Bahri Djamarah, 2000, “Guru dan Anak Didik dalam Interaksi Edukatif”, Cetakan
ke I, Jakarta : Penerbit Rineka Cipta.
Rabu, 16 Januari 2013
Jawaban soal ujian computer assisted language learning
Ø Nama :
Ø Class : 7b
Jelaskan pengertian jaringan dan sejarah
dari jaringan komputer ?
@ Jaringan
komputer adalah sebuah kumpulan komputer, printer dan peralatan lainnya yang
terhubung dalam satu kesatuan. Informasi dan data bergerak melalui kabel-kabel
atau tanpa kabel sehingga memungkinkan pengguna jaringan komputer dapat saling
bertukar dokumen dan data, mencetak pada printer yang sama dan
bersama-sama menggunakan hardware/software yang terhubung dengan
jaringan. Setiap komputer, printer atau periferal yang terhubung dengan
jaringan disebut node. Sebuah jaringan komputer dapat memiliki dua, puluhan,
ribuan atau bahkan jutaan node.
@ Sejarah Jaringan Komputer,,Konsep
jaringan komputer lahir pada tahun 1940-an di Amerika dari sebuah proyek
pengembangan komputer MODEL I di laboratorium Bell dan group riset Harvard
University yang dipimpin profesor H. Aiken. Pada mulanya proyek tersebut
hanyalah ingin memanfaatkan sebuah perangkat komputer yang harus dipakai
bersama. Untuk mengerjakan beberapa proses tanpa banyak membuang waktu kosong
dibuatlah proses beruntun (Batch Processing), sehingga beberapa program
bisa dijalankan dalam sebuah komputer dengan dengan kaidah antrian. Ditahun
1950-an ketika jenis komputer mulai membesar sampai terciptanya super komputer,
maka sebuah komputer mesti melayani beberapa terminal (lihat Gambar 1) Untuk
itu ditemukan konsep distribusi proses berdasarkan waktu yang dikenal dengan
nama TSS (Time Sharing System), maka untuk pertama kali bentuk jaringan
(network) komputer diaplikasikan. Pada sistem TSS beberapa terminal
terhubung secara seri ke sebuah host komputer. Dalam proses TSS mulai nampak
perpaduan teknologi komputer dan teknologi telekomunikasi yang pada awalnya
berkembang sendiri-sendiri.
Gambar 1 Jaringan komputer
model TSS
@ memasuki
tahun 1970-an, setelah beban pekerjaan bertambah banyak dan harga perangkat komputer
besar mulai terasa sangat mahal, maka mulailah digunakan konsep proses
distribusi (Distributed Processing). Seperti pada Gambar 2, dalam proses
ini beberapa host komputer mengerjakan sebuah pekerjaan besar secara paralel
untuk melayani beberapa terminal yang tersambung secara seri disetiap host
komputer. Dala proses distribusi sudah mutlak diperlukan perpaduan yang
mendalam antara teknologi komputer dan telekomunikasi, karena selain proses
yang harus didistribusikan, semua host komputer wajib melayani
terminal-terminalnya dalam satu perintah dari komputer pusat.
2 Jaringan komputer model distributed processing
@ Selanjutnya
ketika harga-harga komputer kecil sudah mulai menurun dan konsep proses
distribusi sudah matang, maka penggunaan komputer dan jaringannya sudah mulai
beragam dari mulai menangani proses bersama maupun komunikasi antar komputer (Peer
to Peer System) saja tanpa melalui komputer pusat. Untuk itu mulailah
berkembang teknologi jaringan lokal yang dikenal dengan sebutan LAN. Demikian
pula ketika Internet mulai diperkenalkan, maka sebagian besar LAN yang berdiri
sendiri mulai berhubungan dan terbentuklah jaringan raksasa WAN.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan
topologi,sebutkan dan jelaskan jenis-jenis topologi yang anda ketahui !
@ Topologi
adalah suatu cara menghubungkan komputer yang satu dengan komputer lainnya
sehingga membentuk jaringan. Cara yang saat ini banyak digunakan adalah bus,
token-ring, star dan peer-to-peer network. Masing-masing topologi ini mempunyai
ciri khas, dengan kelebihan dan kekurangannya sendiri.
ÿ Topologi
Topologi bus pada skema di atas Terdapat keuntungan dan
kerugian dari tipe ini yaitu:
Hemat kabel
Deteksi dan isolasi kesalahan sangat
Layout kabel sederhana
Kepadatan lalu lintas
Mudah dikembangkan
Bila salah 1 client rusak, maka jaringan tidak bisa
ÿ Topologi
ÿ Topologi TokenRING terlihat pada
skema di atas. Metode token-ring (sering disebut ring saja) adalah cara
menghubungkan komputer sehingga berbentuk ring (lingkaran). Setiap simpul
mempunyai tingkatan yang sama. Jaringan akan disebut sebagai loop, data
dikirimkan kesetiap simpul dan setiap
informasi yang diterima simpul diperiksa alamatnya apakah data itu untuknya atau bukan. Terdapat keuntungan dan kerugian dari tipe ini yaitu:
informasi yang diterima simpul diperiksa alamatnya apakah data itu untuknya atau bukan. Terdapat keuntungan dan kerugian dari tipe ini yaitu:
Peka kesalahan
Pengembangan jaringan lebih kaku
ÿ Topologi
Merupakan kontrol terpusat, semua link harus
melewati pusat yang menyalurkan data tersebut kesemua simpul atau client yang
dipilihnya. Simpul pusat dinamakan stasium primer atau server dan lainnya
dinamakan stasiun sekunder atau client server. Setelah hubungan jaringan
dimulai oleh server maka setiap client server sewaktu-waktu dapat menggunakan
hubungan jaringan tersebut tanpa menunggu perintah dari server. Terdapat
keuntungan dan kerugian dari tipe ini yaitu:
ÿ Keuntungan:
Ø Paling
Ø Pemasangan/perubahan
stasiun sangat mudah dan tidak mengganggu bagian jaringan lain
Ø Kontrol
Ø Kemudahan
deteksi dan isolasi kesalahan/kerusakan
Ø Kemudahaan
pengelolaan jaringan
ÿ Kerugian:
Ø Boros
Ø Perlu
penanganan khusus
Ø Kontrol
terpusat (HUB) jadi elemen kritis
ÿ Topologi
Peer-to-peer Network
ÿ Peer
artinya rekan sekerja. Peer-to-peer network adalah jaringan komputer yang
terdiri dari beberapa komputer (biasanya tidak lebih dari 10 komputer dengan
1-2 printer). Dalam sistem jaringan ini yang diutamakan adalah penggunaan
program, data dan printer secara bersama-sama. Pemakai komputer bernama Dona
dapat memakai program yang dipasang di komputer Dino, dan mereka berdua dapat
mencetak ke printer yang sama pada saat yang bersamaan.
ÿ Sistem
jaringan ini juga dapat dipakai di rumah. Pemakai komputer yang memiliki
komputer ‘kuno’, misalnya AT, dan ingin memberli komputer baru, katakanlah
Pentium II, tidak perlu membuang komputer lamanya. Ia cukup memasang netword
card di kedua komputernya kemudian dihubungkan dengan kabel yang khusus
digunakan untuk sistem jaringan. Dibandingkan dengan ketiga cara diatas, sistem
jaringan ini lebih sederhana sehingga lebih mudah dipelajari dan dipakai.
Jelaskan pengertian dari istilah berikut
a. Download
Yaitu : Menyalin Data
Dari Server
Secara Remote.
Mengambil File
Atau Mentransfer
File Dari Satu Komputer
Ke Komputer Lainnya.
b. Upload
Yaitu : Mengirim file
dari komputer
Anda ke komputer lain. Kegiatan pengiriman data
(berupa file) dari komputer lokal ke komputer
lainnya yang terhubung dalam sebuah network.
c. Browsing
yaitu : softwere atau alat yang digunakan untuk menjelajahi internet tanpa
terdapat tiga buah kelas ip address yang
umum di gunakan dalam jaringan komputer. Coba anda buatkan ip address dalam
tiap kelas minimal tiga ip address yang saling berkaitan dalam masing-masing
kelas tersebut.
– – –
– – –
– – –
Sebutkan dan jelaskan media-media
pembelajaran yang sering di gunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar !
@ Media
Media audio berfungsi untuk menyalurkan pesan audio dari sumber pesan ke penerima pesan. Media audio berkaitan erat dengan indra pendengaran.contoh media yang dapat dikelompokkan dalam media audio diantarany : radio, tape recorder, telepon, laboratorium bahasa, dll.
Media audio berfungsi untuk menyalurkan pesan audio dari sumber pesan ke penerima pesan. Media audio berkaitan erat dengan indra pendengaran.contoh media yang dapat dikelompokkan dalam media audio diantarany : radio, tape recorder, telepon, laboratorium bahasa, dll.
@ Media
Media visual yaitu media yang mengandalkan indra penglihat. Media visual dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu (1) media visual diam (2) media visual gerak
a. Media visual diam contohnya foto, ilustrasi, flashcard,gambar pilihan dan potongan gambar, film bingkai, film rngkai,OHP, grafik, bagan, diagram, poster, peta, dan lain- lain.
b. Media visual gerak contohnya gambar-gambar proyeksi bergerak seperti film bisu dan sebagainya.
Media visual yaitu media yang mengandalkan indra penglihat. Media visual dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu (1) media visual diam (2) media visual gerak
a. Media visual diam contohnya foto, ilustrasi, flashcard,gambar pilihan dan potongan gambar, film bingkai, film rngkai,OHP, grafik, bagan, diagram, poster, peta, dan lain- lain.
b. Media visual gerak contohnya gambar-gambar proyeksi bergerak seperti film bisu dan sebagainya.
@ Media
audio visual
Media audiovisual merupakan media yang mampu menampilkan suara dan gambar. Ditinjau dari karakteristiknya media audio visual dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu (1) madia audio visual diam, dan (2) media audio visual gerak.
a). Media audiovisual diam diantaranya TV diam, film rangkai bersuara, halaman bersuara, buku bersuara.
b). Media audio visual gerak diantaranya film TV, TV, film bersuara, gambar bersuara, dll.
Media audiovisual merupakan media yang mampu menampilkan suara dan gambar. Ditinjau dari karakteristiknya media audio visual dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu (1) madia audio visual diam, dan (2) media audio visual gerak.
a). Media audiovisual diam diantaranya TV diam, film rangkai bersuara, halaman bersuara, buku bersuara.
b). Media audio visual gerak diantaranya film TV, TV, film bersuara, gambar bersuara, dll.
@ Media
Media serbaneka merupakan suatu media yang disesuaikan dengan potensi di suatu daerah, di sekitar sekolah atau di lokasi lain atau di masyarakat yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media pengajaran. Contoh media serbaneka diantaranya : Papan tulis, media tiga dimensi, realita, dan sumber belajar pada masyarakat.
Media serbaneka merupakan suatu media yang disesuaikan dengan potensi di suatu daerah, di sekitar sekolah atau di lokasi lain atau di masyarakat yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media pengajaran. Contoh media serbaneka diantaranya : Papan tulis, media tiga dimensi, realita, dan sumber belajar pada masyarakat.
v Papan
(board) yang termasuk dalam media ini diantaranya : papan tulis, papan buletin,
papan flanel, papan magnetik, papan listrik, dan papan paku.
v Media
tiga dimensi diantaranya : model, mock up, dan diorama.
v Realita
adalah benda-benda nyata seperti apa adanya atau aslinya . contoh pemanfaatan
realit misalnya guru membawa kelinci, burung, ikan atau dengan mengajak
siswanya langsung ke kebun sekolah atau ke peternakan sekolah.
@ Media
objective : yaitu media nyata
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